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Entrevista rápida #1 SUSANA PALHA

Atualizado: 14 de jun. de 2023

Os períodos de pausa costumam resultar em boas novidades.

Quando nos vimos obrigados a confinar em 2020, pensei no lançamento de um blog com entrevistas por forma a marcar a diferença na divulgação do graffiti e da street art, procurando uma abordagem mais pessoal com os autores das obras que figuravam no meu Instagram e em muitos outros. Com 72 entrevistas já publicadas (com writers, artistas, fotógrafos e dançarinos), sinto que estou a fazer um bom trabalho.

Neste interregno recente, resolvi introduzir um novo formato. Antes de mais, importa referir que a ideia não é totalmente original, pois teve por base as "5 Questions" do Street Art Damsko. No entanto, é minha intenção não me cingir às artes urbanas e convidar um leque mais abrangente de artistas.

Feita a apresentação, a minha primeira convidada deste novo suplemento é a Susana Palha. Licenciada em Urbanismo, é através dos desenhos que esta ilustradora transmite a sua mensagem, os seus sonhos e a sua maneira de ver o Mundo.

Espero que gostem.


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Break periods often result in good news. When we were forced to confine ourselves in 2020, I thought about launching a blog with interviews in order to make a difference in the dissemination of graffiti and street art, looking for a more personal approach with the authors of the works that appeared on my Instagram and in many others. With 72 interviews already published (with writers, artists, photographers and dancers), I feel like I'm doing a good job.

In this recent interregnum, I decided to introduce a new format. First of all, it is important to mention that the idea is not entirely original, as it was based on the "5 Questions" by Street Art Damsko. However, it is my intention not to confine myself to urban arts and to invite a wider range of artists. After the presentation, my first guest for this new supplement is Susana Palha. With a degree in Urbanism, it is through her drawings that this illustrator conveys her message, her dreams and her way of seeing the world. Hope you like it.

Susana Palha

Born in Torres Vedras, she grew up in Mafra, in the shadow of the Convent. She was a university assistant professor between 2001-2008.

In 2014, she chose to pursue the dream of many years and wake up his “creative pet”.

For the artist, the pressure we put on the act of creation can limit the happiness of that moment, so it will always be comfortable to have a parallel activity, for some stability.

Do you have art training? I was in Arts until the 12th grade and then I went to Urbanism which can be considered the "art of city planning".

Where do you get the inspiration for your works?

To Nature, to emotions, to the female figure, to cities (which is the opposite of Nature).

In the collages I made the transition from the Urbanism course and the years teaching to a more creative side. It is the application of the orthogonal system (of the cities) in pieces of paper that are combined in a chromatic way.

What is your favorite work?

I have many, but I suddenly remember Mr. Frog. It was made for an illustration contest (which it didn't win) and it gave me more than normal enjoyment of drawing, because I think I really managed to convey the idea of ​​the story.

What material do you prefer to work with? Ink and watercolor colored pencils.

What are your future plans/projects? I want to value the investment I made in my website. To make the site reach many people and my Art to reach many more.


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