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Entrevista rápida #3 TANOVSKYART

Atualizado: 24 de jun. de 2023


Não param de chegar contributos para esta nova rubrica e a minha nova convidada é Tânia Queiroz.

Formada em Arquitetura Paisagista, adquiriu o gosto pela Arte através do seu avô e pai.

Durante os confinamentos, foi aprofundando o seu gosto pela pintura e foi experimentando novas técnicas.

Depois das primeiras vendas, entre familiares e amigos, a sua perseverança teve resultados, estando já representada em duas galerias nacionais.


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Contributions keep coming in for this new section and my new guest is Tânia Queiroz. Graduated in Landscape Architecture, she acquired a taste for Art through her grandfather and father. During confinement, he deepened his taste for painting and experimented with new techniques. After the first sales, among family and friends, her perseverance paid off, and she is already represented in two national galleries.

Tânia Queiroz

Born in 1976, in the city of Évora.

Since she was a little girl, she got used to seeing her grandfather paint and exploring the magic of colors in his small library in Lisbon.

In her works, she uses compositions of simple graphic elements, geometric and organic shapes, games of color and contrast, and in some of them, she builds collages from previously elaborated color studies.

Do you have art training?

I graduated in Landscape Architecture and Graphic Design.

Where do you get the inspiration for your works?

In fact, the vast majority of my work comes about in an almost spontaneous and often intuitive way. I especially like to explore color and its multiple combinations. I think this is the strong element in my work.

As much as I try to explore other processes, it is in the intuitive freedom that I feel most comfortable.

Have you already exhibited your work?

I am currently represented at Welcome to art Lisbon and at SVA Gallery.

What's your favorite piece?

I like them all.

What are your future plans/projects?

Continue to develop myself as an artist and look for new creative processes.


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